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Group of Seven Audio Tour

The Group of Seven in Temiskaming is a self-guided driving tour of 5 locations corresponding to different paintings done by the Group of Seven in the area. The tour features work done by A.Y. Jackson, Franklin Carmichael or Arthur Lismer at each location, accompanied by a plaque with a short recap of the artists’ lives and an overview of the significance of the location to this great group of painters. 

Group of Seven Audio Tour poster.png
A Northern Silver Mine; Franklin CarmichaelSabrina Somersall
00:00 / 02:27
Temagami, Portage; Arthur LismerSabrina Somersall
00:00 / 01:44
Houses, Cobalt; Franklin CarmichaelSabrina Somersall
00:00 / 01:57
Ontario Mining Town; A.Y. JacksonSabrina Somersall
00:00 / 01:47
Autumn Cobalt; A.Y. JacksonSabrina Somersall
00:00 / 02:03

The Temiskaming Art Gallery has added an audio supplement to the tour that dives further into the techniques the artists used and fully connects modern day Cobalt and Temagami to the version these artists captured.


Research and recording for audio tour by Sabrina Somersall.


For more information check out the Lake Temiskaming Tour:

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